Thursday, August 12, 2010

e-Portfolios and PLEs

Very interesting videos and examples for this topic. I think there are two main ways that e-portfolios and PLEs can best be leveraged for learning. One is self reflection by the student and the second is evaluation and reflection with an instructor/coach/parent/guide. The ability to have multiple types of examples of work will be invaluable.
With younger students, at least from my experience, this process will need to be carefully guided. I tried to do regular (paper) portfolios when teaching primary students. I had them select various examples through the school year to keep in their portfolios – art pieces, writing, a favorite math assignment – and then would sit with the student to review them. I discovered it was best to do short term reflections with young students, rather than over time, as their recollections are minimal. But the conversation with the student was always the most important part of the process. Asking a student to talk about the change in their work even over a period of a month or so; comparing two pieces of work; showing those examples at parent conferences; having the students share their own portfolios with their parents – there was value in that process for the students’ learning about themselves. For older students the ability to track their own progress as they work through a set of skills, or create or complete a project would seem to provide important information to them on how they learn and work. The evaluation and reflection with instructor and student when the time is truly invested to improve the student’s learning seems a critical component that should impact student learning in a significant and positive way.

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