Monday, July 26, 2010

On-line vs. F2F

This is so very interesting! At this point I think it is the extension of the time the instructor can interact with the student that is one of the most positive and most unique aspects of on-line learning vs. face-to-face. In my classroom with students and especially now in classes for staff if a student is having difficulty there are a number of options I can provide to support that student. But most of them are external to me as the teacher. I can provide additional materials, restructure or redirect the learning activity, provide in-group support, perhaps another student to help (or a parent when I was teaching at elementary). But unless it is during a break/lunch/before or after class I cannot sit down and devote an undetermined or unlimited time to a student. I anticipate that on-line I will do the same thing I currently do with e-mail or voicemail. Assess the question or request for information, determine the appropriate materials or response, and reply. If it takes 2 minutes or 2 hours that is TBD by me as the instructor. The technology gives me the asynchronous access and the time.
As a companion to that factor is the flexibility of being able to work anywhere within the 24/7 period that I can. As a night-owl I often far prefer working in the evening and into the night hours to the early morning.
Another huge positive is equality of access for all participating students in an on-line class. Particularly as I will be working with teaching staff they have an extremely wide span of skills, interests, personalities, and fear-factor. Teachers who are having difficulty especially with the technology will, I hope, be willing to let me know individually so I can provide assistance and support. Often in a F2F class teachers are unwilling to show that they don't know or don't understand something and that can negatively impact their learning throughout the entire class.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if staff will be more likely to ask for help when it is not F2F - they are more anonymous?
